

(Up-to-date source of this post.)

TCP/IP swiss army knife. Simple (yet powerful!) Unix utility that reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP.

Netcat as a Client

Connect to some port of some host:

nc <host> <port>
  • your STDIN is sent to the host
  • anything that comes back across network is sent to your STDOUT
  • this continues indefinitely, until the network side closes (not until EOF on STDIN like many other apps)

Test remote HTTP server:

nc google.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.0

(press Enter two times after the GET line)

Check UDP port is open:

nc -vu ns.nameserver.tld 53

Make sure no data (zero) is sent to the port you connect to:

nc -v -z host.tld 21-25

Change source port / address (ex. to evade a FW):

nc -p 16000 host.tld 22
nc -s host.tld 8181

Netcat as a Server

Listen for an incoming connection on some port:

nc -l <port>

Send a directory over the network:

.. host A (receiving data)

nc -l 1234 | tar xvf -

.. host B (sending data)

tar cf - </some/dir> | nc -w 3 <hostA> 1234

Send a whole partition over the network:

.. host A (receiving data)

nc -l 1234 | dd of=backup_sda1

.. host B (sending data)

dd if=/dev/sda1 | nc -w 3 <hostA> 1234

Run a command (potentially dangerous!); ex. open a shell access:

.. host A (server)

nc -l 9999 -e /bin/bash

.. host B (client)

nc hostA 9999
