
Creating a Module::Build Distribution

(Up-to-date source of this post.)

Creating a Module::Build Distribution

We show here how to create a Perl distribution using Module::Build build system with Module::Starter. The other Perl build system (we don't show here) is ExtUtils::MakeMaker. For sophisticated distribution creation see Dist::Zilla.

Create config file ~/.module-starter/config:

author: Foo Bar
email: foo@bar.org
builder: Module::Build
verbose: 1
# Allow adding new modules to existing distro.
plugins: Module::Starter::AddModule

... or use module-starter (see below) with command line arguments like:

--author="Foo Bar" \
--email=foo@bar.org \
--mb \
--verbose \

Run basic commands

  • install needed modules: cpanm Module::Build Module::Starter Module::Starter::AddModule
  • create (a working skeleton of) module distribution: module-starter --module=Animal
  • change to the created distro directory: cd Animal
  • create the Build script: perl Build.PL
  • build the distro (modules from lib copied to blib staging area and embedded documenation translated into Unix manpage in blib/libdoc): ./Build
  • make sure the tests pass: ./Build test (or run individual tests - see below)
  • test the distro: ./Build disttest
  • create the distro: ./Build dist

Add modules

  • add new modules: module-starter --module=Sheep,Cow,Horse --dist=Animal
  • add new modules (we are inside our distribution directory): module-starter --module=Sheep,Cow,Horse --dist=.

Run individual tests

  • rebuild distro and run test including modules from blib/lib: ./Build && perl -Iblib/lib -T t/Cow.t
  • rebuild distro and run test including modules from blib/lib: ./Build && perl -Mblib -T t/Cow.t

Measure out test coverage

  • run testcover target: ./Build testcover
  • turn the collected statistics into human-readable reports: cover

The following is a typical release cycle for github users:

  1. Work on changes until all tests pass
  2. Make sure the Changes file documents all major changes
  3. Make your changes atomic, all changes related to a particular fix or feature should go in a single commit, including the Changes entry.
  4. Bump the version
  5. Upload to PAUSE
  6. Tag with the version. By convention for version 1.01 the tag would be 'v1.01'
  7. Push to github

For more see: