(Up-to-date source of this post.)
Docker is a container technology. It's a well timed fusion of
- kernel features
- filesystem tricks
- networking hacks
Think of a container not as a virtual machine but a very lighweight wrapper around a single Unix process.
Docker revision controls
- filesystem layers
- image tags
Docker server - the docker
command run in daemon mode on a Linux host:
$ sudo docker -d -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://
Docker image - one or more filesystem layers and metadata that represent all the files required to run a Dockerized application
Docker container - a Linux container that has been instantiated from a Docker image
Working with Docker images
To launch a container
- download a public image
- create your own
To create a custom image you need a Dockerfile
- each line in a Dockerfile creates a new image layer that is stored by Docker
Build an image:
git clone https://github.com/spkane/docker-node-hello.git
cd docker-node-hello
docker build -t example/docker-node-hello:latest .
Run an image (or a container?):
docker run -d -p 80:8080 example/docker-node-hello:latest
-p 80:8080
tells Docker to proxy the container's port 80 on the host's port 8080 (port binding)example/docker-node-hello:latest
is a tag
Remove an image:
docker images
docker rmi <image_id>
Remove all images on your Docker host:
docker rmi $(docker images -q -)
Working with Docker containers
A container is a self-contained execution environment that shares the kernel of the host system and which is (optionally) isolated from other containers in the system.
Containers are a Linux only technology.
Create a container (see also "Run an image" above):
docker run --rm -ti ubuntu /bin/bash
- delete the container when it exits-t
- allocate a pseudo-TTY-i
- interactive session, e.i. keep STDIN open/bin/bash
- executable to run within the container
Get into a running container:
docker ps
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Stop a container:
docker stop <container_id>
Remove a container:
docker ps -a
docker rm <container_id>
Remove all containers on your Docker host:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- Docker: Up & Running (2015)
- Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, 5th ed. (2017)