
Stealing Kubernetes secrets

Kubernetes provides an object called Secret that is meant for storing sensitive data like passwords, tokens or keys. Secrets are decoupled (distinct) from Pods to decrease the risk of exposing sensitive data while creating, viewing and updating Pods. Containers in a Pod can access secrets via environment variables or files mounted through volumes.

Let’s create a Secret named mypassword holding a key/value pair password=s3cret!:

$ kubectl create secret generic mypassword --from-literal password=s3cret!

NOTE: When you create secrets from command line they get persisted in your shell history file, e.g. ~/.bash_history. To prevent this add space in front of the command. The secret is also visible in the processes listing, like ps aux. So it’s best not to create production secrets from command line.

Ok, now, how secure is the secret we’ve created? It turns out that by default, not very. Let’s have a look.

Getting secrets from the API server

Anyone who has access to the Kubernetes API server can get the secret:

$ kubectl get secrets mypassword -o yaml
  password: czNjcmV0IQ==

Oh, but we can’t read it. Is it encrypted? No, it’s just base64 decoded:

$ echo czNjcmV0IQ== | base64 -d -

Getting secrets from etcd

Secrets, like other Kubernetes objects, are persisted in the etcd data store; by default unencrypted. So if we can access the data store, we can see the secrets. On a minikube cluster, we can do it like this:

$ minikube ssh
$ sudo -i
$ cat << "EOF" | bash
export ETCDCTL_CACERT=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/ca.crt
export ETCDCTL_CERT=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/peer.crt
export ETCDCTL_KEY=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/peer.key
export ETCDCTL_API=3

ETCDCTL_BIN=$(find / -name etcdctl | grep bin | head -1)

$ETCDCTL_BIN get /registry/secrets/default/mypassword

Getting secrets from within a Pod

Let’s suppose that we can’t access the API server or the etcd database because the cluster operator put some authorization in place. And that’s the way to do it on a production cluster. The authorization mechanism in Kubernetes is called RBAC (Role Based Access Control). It’s composed of the following primitives

  • User represents a “normal user” connecting to the cluster (there’s no API resource for User)
  • ServiceAccount represents a program running in a pod and there is a pre-created default service account for each namespace assigned to each created pod
  • Role defines a set of permissions on a namespace (or cluster) level
  • RoleBinding maps roles to users or service accounts on a namespace (or cluster) level

Let’s create a service account that is allowed to read (list allows for implicit reading) all secrets within the default namespace:

$ kubectl create serviceaccount secrets-reader
$ kubectl create role read-secrets --resource secrets --verb list
$ kubectl create rolebinding secrets-reader --serviceaccount default:secrets-reader --role read-secrets

Here’s a pod using the service account we have created (instead of the default service account):

$ cat << EOF | k apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: nginx
  name: nginx
  serviceAccount: secrets-reader
  - image: nginx
    name: nginx

Service account authenticates to the Kubernetes API via a JWT token that is mounted inside pod containers. If an attacker gains access to a container (for example by exploiting a vulnerability inside a web application or a web server) she can get all secrets in a namespace (or on the whole cluster if clusterrolebinding was used). Like this:

$ cat << 'EOF' | kubectl exec -i nginx -- bash | jq -r '.items[].data.password' | base64 -d
TOKEN=$(cat ${SAPATH}/token)
curl -s --cacert ${CACERT} --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" $URLPATH

Finding risky Roles

There’s a tool called KubiScan that can find risky roles (and other objects) for you:

$ git clone git@github.com:cyberark/KubiScan.git
$ cd KubiScan
$ ./docker_run.sh ~/.kube/config

$ kubiscan --risky-roles # -r to show also rules (permissions)
|Risky Roles |
| Priority | Kind | Namespace   | Name                               | Creation Time                     |
| CRITICAL | Role | default     | read-secrets                       | Sat Jan 27 16:30:21 2024 (0 days) |
| CRITICAL | Role | kube-system | system:controller:bootstrap-signer | Sat Jan 27 16:21:17 2024 (0 days) |
| CRITICAL | Role | kube-system | system:controller:token-cleaner    | Sat Jan 27 16:21:17 2024 (0 days) |


Playing with beelzebub


While looking for a new project to hone my skills I came across the beelzebub. Wikipedia says Beelzebub, occasionally known as the Lord of the Flies, was a Philistine god and later a major demon for some Abrahamic religions. In this case it’s a honeypot written in Go :-).

My plan was something like:

  1. Create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using the EKS service
  2. Deploy the honeypot into the cluster
  3. Setup logs collection to see what’s going on
  4. Expose the honeypot to a dangerous network, like the Internet, and wait

Create a Kubernetes cluster

Once I have set up my access to AWS and installed all the necessary tools, the easiest way to create a Kubernetes cluster seemed to be this:

eksctl create cluster --name beelzebub-cluster --region eu-central-1

It took about 15 minutes but went smoothly.

Deploy the honeypot into the cluster

Next, I just cloned the beelzebub repo and created the Kubernetes resources from within the repo:

helm install beelzebub ./beelzebub-chart

Setup logs collection

Now, a Kubernetes cluster provides logs from several components:

  • control plane
  • nodes
  • applications

I was most interested in the application (or container) logs. For this I used the CloudWatch observability addon for EKS. To make it work I needed to attach some new policies to the worker nodes role and then create the addon.

aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name <my-worker-node-role> \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy  \ 
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess
aws eks create-addon --addon-name amazon-cloudwatch-observability --cluster-name beelzebub-cluster

Expose the honeypot to the Internet

Then, I created a Kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer:

kubernetes expose deployment beelzebub-beelzebub-chart --name beelzebub-public --type LoadBalancer --port 22 --target-port 2222

I had to wait for a bit so the load balancer is set up. I opened the CloudWatch Logs Insights, selected the /aws/containerinsights/beelzebub-cluster/application log group and entered the following query:

filter kubernetes.pod_name="beelzebub-beelzebub-chart-b86c7dff8-59ldz"
| fields @timestamp, log_processed.event.Msg, log_processed.event.User, log_processed.event.Password, log_processed.event.Command, log_processed.event.CommandOutput
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

To make sure everything is working, I logged into the honeypot and observed the logs (it takes a while until the logs get to the CloudWatch):

ssh root@<some-string>.elb.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com ls -la
# obviously, the default password is root :-)

Clean up

Once I was done, I removed the cluster (and all of its workloads and related AWS services):

eksctl delete cluster --name beelzebub-cluster --region eu-central-1

You might also want to delete the related CloudWatch Log groups.