

(Up-to-date source of this post.)

LVM is the implementation of logical volume management in Linux. As I don’t use it on a day-to-day basis, I created this blog in case I forgot the basics :-).


       sda1   sdc       (PVs on partitions or whole disks)
          \   /
           \ /
          diskvg        (VG)
          /  |  \
         /   |   \
     usrlv rootlv varlv (LVs)
       |      |     |
    ext4  reiserfs  xfs (filesystems)
  • Physical volume (PV) — partition (ex. /dev/sda1), disk (ex. /dev/sdc) or RAID device (ex. /dev/md0)
  • Volume group (VG) — group of physical volumes (ex. diskvg)
  • Logical volume (LV) — equivalent of standard partitions, where filesystems can be created (ex. /usrlv)

Working with LVM

Creating Volumes

  1. Create PV (initialize disk)

    pvcreate /dev/md0

    Check the results with pvdisplay

  2. Create VG

    vgcreate raid1vg /dev/md0

    Check the results with vgdisplay

  3. Create LV

    lvcreate --name backuplv --size 50G raid1vg

    Check the results with lvdisplay

  4. Create filesystem

    mkfs.ext3 /dev/raid1vg/backuplv
  5. Edit /etc/fstab

    # RAID 1 + LVM
    /dev/raid1vg/backuplv   /backup        ext3    rw,noatime      0       0
  6. Create mount point and mount volume(s)

    mkdir -p /backup
    mount -a

Extending LV

  1. Extend the LV

    lvextend -L +5G /dev/raid1vg/backuplv
  2. Re-size the filesystem (online re-sizing doesn’t seem to cause troubles)

    resize2fs /dev/raid1vg/backuplv