
Working with WAF containers

I’ve been working with Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) in the form of application containers for some time. To make my work easier I created couple of tools: waf-runner and waf-tester. In this post I’ll try to show you how they can be used.

My most common use cases boil down to:

  1. Changing or upgrading WAF components (e.g. Nginx, ModSecurity, CRS)
  2. Adding or modifying WAF rules (strictly speaking this is a subset of 1.)

For both use cases the workflow looks like this:

  1. Build and run a WAF container
  2. Make changes to the running WAF container
  3. Test the WAF container
  4. Commit and push the changes

Build and run a WAF container

waf-runner will build and run a WAF container based on supplied Dockerfile and related configuration files. For example:

$ waf-runner waf/nginx/modsecurity
--> Create directories for WAF logs in /tmp/var/log
--> Create temporary directory
--> Create /var/folders/8d/49xspl216vqf52y6b_s_y9x00000gn/T/tmp.i3XRl9PA/docker-compose.yaml
--> Copy recursively all files from waf/nginx/modsecurity to /var/folders/8d/49xspl216vqf52y6b_s_y9x00000gn/T/tmp.i3XRl9PA
--> Run docker images for WAF and web server
Creating network "tmpi3xrl9pa_default" with the default driver
Building testing-waf
Creating testing-webserver ... done
Creating testing-waf       ... done
--> Check WAF is up and proxying requests
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
c815458a6eef        tmpi3xrl9pa_testing-waf   "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds>80/tcp     testing-waf
bcb445f3a683        nginx                     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   4 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds>80/tcp   testing-webserver
--> WAF container is up and running (hit Ctrl-C to quit)

==> /tmp/var/log/modsec_audit.log <==

==> /tmp/var/log/nginx/access.log <== - - [29/Aug/2020:15:36:31 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.64.1" "-"

==> /tmp/var/log/nginx/error.log <==

waf-runner will keep on tailing the logs until you hit Ctrl-C.

Make changes to the running WAF container

If you want to make temporary changes to the WAF you can get into the container:

$ docker exec -it testing-waf /bin/sh
/ # vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
/ # nginx -s reload
/ # exit

Test the WAF container

waf-tester will run tests against a WAF (that is running on localhost in this case):

$ waf-tester -tests waf_tests/generic/basic-tests.yaml -print OK
OK  RCE                  GET       http://localhost/?exec=/bin/bash
OK  SQLi                 GET       http://localhost/?id=1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'
OK  OS file access       GET       http://localhost/?page=/etc/passwd
OK  Path traversal       GET       http://localhost/get-files?file=/../../../../etc/shadow
OK  XSS                  GET       http://localhost/?<script>
OK  Session fixation     GET       http://localhost/foo.php?bar=blah%3Cscript%3Edocument.cookie=%22sessionid=1234;%20domain=.example.dom%22;%3C/script%3E

So what are these tests. They are basically HTTP requests and expected responses represented in YAML format. For example:

$ waf-tester -template
- test_title: SQLi
  - stage:
          User-Agent: waf-tester
        method: GET
        uri: ?id=1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'
        data: []
        - 403

This means that waf-tester will make a GET request with this URL <scheme>://<host>/?id=1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20' (scheme and host are command line flags) and it will expect status 403 in the response. If this expectation proves true the test passed (OK). Otherwise it failed (FAIL).

There exist additional input and output fields. You can use different methods, insert custom headers or instead of checking the request status code you can check the WAF logs.

The YAML format is based on FTW but some fields are missing. Others, like dest_addr, are ignored. See the code for details.

Commit and push the changes

To make permanent changes you modify the WAF’s Dockerfile and/or related configuration files.

Practical example: adding a WAF rule

WAF rules (or signatures) is what helps WAFs to distinguish between legitimate and malicious requests. Let’s say that I want to run some tests against a NAXSI WAF with default rules. To run this WAF locally:

$ waf-runner waf/nginx/naxsi

waf/nginx/naxsi folder contains the Dockerfile and all needed files like nginx.conf, naxsi.conf and naxsi_core.rules that get copied into the container.

Let’s adapt one of the FTW tests

$ cat 913120-2.yaml
- test_title: 913120-2
  desc: IBM fingerprint from (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21293132)
  - stage:
        uri: /AppScan_fingerprint/MAC_ADDRESS_01234567890.html?9ABCDG1
        status: [403]

and run the test against the WAF:

$ waf-tester -tests 913120-2.yaml -verbose
FAIL    913120-2                       http://localhost/AppScan_fingerprint/MAC_ADDRESS_01234567890.html?9ABCDG1
  DESC       IBM fingerprint from (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21293132)
  FILE       913120-2.yaml
  STATUS     404 Not Found
  CODE       404
  EXP_CODES  [403]
  EXP_ERR    false
  ERROR      <nil>
  DATA       []
    waf-tester-id: 64502ec0-7468-b872-4793-b63bdb8bc9e9

You can see a FAIL status. This means that the WAF didn’t block this request. As you can see the test expected 403 code (EXP_CODES) but got 404 (CODE). That’s why it failed.

Let’s try to add (a rather naïve) custom WAF rule to fix the failing test:

# nginx/naxsi/naxsi_custom.rules
BasicRule "str:9ABCDG1" "msg:FTW 913120-2" "mz:ARGS" "s:$UWA:4" id:10002;

Now rebuild the WAF container: hit Ctrl-C in the first terminal and run waf-runner waf/nginx/naxsi again. When we re-run the test we can see it’s OK now.