With this configuration, the pods will only be scheduled on nodes
labeled with key2=value2.
Step 4: Cleanup
Once you’re done, clean up the cluster:
❯ minikube delete
Taints, tolerations, and node affinity are essential tools for
fine-tuning pod placement in Kubernetes. By combining these features,
you can achieve more predictable and efficient scheduling, especially in
clusters with diverse workloads.
I’ve been working in the DevOps (sysadmin) and cybersecurity domains.
That means I work with computer programs all the time and I have to
understand how they work. From time to time I also write programs, like
when building tools or automating tasks. But how to learn and remember a
programming language if you don’t get to program every day?
There’s a similar situation in martial arts. You don’t want to be
discovering and learning fighting techniques (only) in a fight. Martial
arts’ solution is called kata. It’s a set of fighting techniques that
are regularly practiced until internalized. Gokatas is my implementation of
this idea for Go programming.
The get started install the gokatas command line tool:
❯ go install github.com/gokatas/gokatas@latest
One practice cycle has four simple steps:
Choose a kata (bcounter in this case) and clone it. By default katas
are shown in alphabetical order but you can sort them by number of
Delete (some of) the code and try to write it back. Check how are
you doing.
❯ git diff
Track your progress to stay motivated.
❯ gokatas -done bcounter -sortby last -report
Name Description Lines Done Last done
---- ----------- ----- ---- ---------
bcounter io.Writer implementation 22 9x 0 days ago
findlinks parse HTML recursively 69 3x 1 day ago
err errors are values 48 2x 7 days ago
books sorted table in terminal 55 8x 20 days ago
areader io.Reader implementation 34 10x 20 days ago
clock TCP time server 38 7x 29 days ago
boring concurrency patterns 190 8x 31 days ago
shop HTTP server 43 2x 41 days ago
shift simple cipher 54 3x 41 days ago
proxy TCP middleman 39 2x 41 days ago
parselogs loop over JSON logs 47 2x 42 days ago
netcat TCP client 26 3x 42 days ago
lookup loadbalanced STDIN processing 68 3x 42 days ago
google building search engine 188 4x 45 days ago
findgo walking filesystems 51 6x 45 days ago
fetch HTTP client 49 5x 48 days ago
dup duplicate lines in files 30 5x 48 days ago
direction enumerated type with iota 45 4x 49 days ago
lognb non-blocking concurrent logging 103 7x 50 days ago
Jul Aug Sep Oct
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mon - - - - - - 1 2 - 4 - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Wed - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - - 1
- - - - - 2 1 3 - - - - 2 1
Fri - - - - - - 2 3 - - 3 - - -
- - - - - 3 - - - - - - - -
It’s important to practice regularly because repetition creates
habits, and habits are what enable mastery. Set a goal that you are able
to meet and insert it into your daily routines. Start by taking baby
steps. After some time it will require much less will power to practice.
Your programming moves will start looking simpler and smoother. 🥋
I’ve finally decided to try out a couple of AI related tools to see
whether they are useful for me. I didn’t want to spend too much time on
this (because who has time) so I didn’t get too deep. I work in the
Dev/Sec/Ops area, meaning I do small-scale programming (as opposed to
full time application development), cybersecurity and IT operations.
Since I use terminal a lot I had a look at three non-GUI tools. Here’s
what I’ve done and what are my conclusions so far.
First, I simply wanted a CLI interface to ChatGPT. One of the first
Google results was this project. You
just need to give it your API key either via
environment variable (export OPENAI_API_KEY=...) or
configuration file (enter api_key: ... to
~/.chatgpt-cli/config.yaml) and you’re ready to go. Now I
don’t have to open a browser window and log in into ChatGPT:
$ chatgpt write a simple REST API server in python
$ chatgpt what is the best security scanner for container images
$ chatgpt how do I create a kubernetes cluster on aws
I don’t display the answers here to save paper but they are quite
usable! Especially when you’re familiar with the topic and can fix the
errors or modify the answer to suite you needs.
I’ve been aware of Daniel Miessler’s project for a while.
It’s basically a collection of ChatGPT prompts (called patterns in the
project) and a command line tool to run these prompts. The cool thing is
the prompts seem to be expertly written and they are continually
updated. Here are some of them.
Create a command with options (flags) based on its help and my
$ tool=curl;echo -e "use $tool to silently download body to a file.\n\n$($tool -h 2>&1)" | fabric --pattern create_command
curl -s -o output.txt <url>
$ tool=wget;echo -e "use $tool to silently download body to a file.\n\n$($tool -h 2>&1)" | fabric --pattern create_command
wget -q -O file URL
Summarize what a program does and explain its parts:
$ cat ~/github.com/jreisinger/tools/cmd/extracturl/main.go | fabric --pattern explain_code
This Go program is designed to extract and print all the URLs found in the `<a>` (anchor) tags of a given webpage. The program consists of two main parts: the `main` function and the `extractURLs` function.
1. **Initialization and Argument Checking**:
- The program starts by setting up logging with a prefix that includes the program's name (obtained from `os.Args[0]`) and disabling additional flags for log output.
- It then checks if a URL has been provided as a command-line argument. If not, it logs a fatal error message instructing the user to supply a URL.
2. **URL Extraction**:
- The provided URL is passed to the `extractURLs` function.
- This function attempts to make an HTTP GET request to the URL. If this request fails, it returns an error.
- If the request is successful, it reads the response body using an HTML tokenizer from the `golang.org/x/net/html` package.
- The tokenizer iterates through the HTML tokens in the response body. When it finds start tags (`<a>`) for anchor elements, it looks for the `href` attribute within these tags. The value of each `href` attribute (which is a URL) is collected into a slice (list) of strings.
- Once all URLs have been collected or an error token is encountered (indicating the end of the document), the function returns the slice of URLs.
3. **Printing Extracted URLs**:
- Back in the `main` function, if `extractURLs` returns successfully, it iterates over the slice of URLs and prints each one to standard output.
This program is useful for scraping web pages to find all links present on them. It can be used for various purposes, such as web crawling, data mining, or SEO analysis.
Help me to decide whether I should read a given text (rating and
quality-score seem most useful):
$ wget -qO- https://jreisinger.blogspot.com/2022/09/preventing-git-leaks.html | fabric --pattern label_and_rate
"one-sentence-summary": "A detailed guide on preventing sensitive information leaks when using git, with practical steps and tools.",
"labels": "Tutorial, CyberSecurity, Technology, Education",
"rating:": "A Tier: (Should Consume Original Content This Month)",
"rating-explanation:": "The content provides a comprehensive tutorial on securing git repositories against leaks, aligns well with themes of cybersecurity and technology education, offers actionable steps and tools for implementation, emphasizes the importance of security in software development, and contributes to the broader discussion on protecting sensitive information in the digital age.",
"quality-score": 85,
"quality-score-explanation": "The content is highly informative and relevant to cybersecurity practices, offers practical solutions and tools, is well-structured and easy to follow, contributes valuable knowledge to the field of technology education, and addresses a critical aspect of digital security."
Summarize an article:
$ wget -qO- https://www.intercom.com/blog/run-less-software | fabric --pattern create_micro_summary
Intercom's "Run Less Software" philosophy emphasizes choosing standard technology, outsourcing undifferentiated heavy lifting, and creating enduring competitive advantage.
- Standardize technology choices to become experts and build better, faster solutions.
- Outsource non-core activities to focus on creating value for customers.
- Spend time on activities that directly contribute to a competitive advantage.
- Simplify technology stack for efficiency and expertise.
- Focus on core business and customer value.
- Ensure activities align with long-term competitive advantage.
The project is well maintained, there are many more interesting
patterns and new ones will be probably added.
PS: I ran this blog post through AI to improve the writing
(cat 2024-03-18-ai-for-devsecops.md | fabric --pattern improve_writing)
but it removed some of my (attempted) jokes from the text … So you are
reading a pure human version :-).
I wrote about basic setup of this honeypot in a previous post. This
time I wanted to see its AI part in action. The honeypot uses ChatGPT
API to simulate a Linux terminal. After cloning the repo I had to
make couple of changes to make it work:
I added my ChatGPT API key to
I changed the prompt slightly (this was optional):
diff --git a/plugins/openai-gpt.go b/plugins/openai-gpt.go
- promptVirtualizeLinuxTerminal = "I want you to act as a Linux terminal. I will type commands and you will reply with what the terminal should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. Do no write explanations. Do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so.\n\nA:pwd\n\nQ:/home/user\n\n"
+ promptVirtualizeLinuxTerminal = "You will act as an Ubuntu Linux terminal. The user will type commands, and you are to reply with what the terminal should show. Your responses must be contained within a single code block. Do not provide explanations or type commands unless explicitly instructed by the user. Remember previous commands and consider their effects on subsequent outputs.\n\nA:pwd\n\nQ:/home/user\n\n"
I built and started the honeypot locally like this:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Then I logged in and tried a couple of commands:
$ ssh root@localhost -p 2222
root@ubuntu:~$ id
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),116(lpadmin),126(sambashare)
root@ubuntu:~$ su -
root@ubuntu:~$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
root@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/shadow
root@ubuntu:~$ go version
command not found: go
root@ubuntu:~$ apt install go
Reading package lists... Done
root@ubuntu:~$ go version
go version go1.10.4 linux/amd64
It’s not perfect and if you are attentive and familiar with Linux
you’ll notice that something is fishy. But it’s quite impressive and I
think it manages to keep the average attacker busy at least for a
In the previous post we implemented a shift cipher that accepts key
of variable length. Now, the cryptographic algorithms can be classified
into two groups. Stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers
process data a bit at a time and are good for continuous or unknown
amounts of data like in networking. Block ciphers operate with
fixed-length blocks of data and are suitable for handling variable sized
data. What group does our current implementation belong to? Well, it
works on a byte at a time so it sounds like a stream cipher. On the
other hand, it could be regarded as a block cipher where the block size
is one byte. In practice though it always enciphers or deciphers the
whole message so the block size equals the message size.
And this is a problem. How come? Well, if the message is not large,
it’s fine. But if it’s bigger, say 10GB, we might run out of memory
because we read all of it at once
message, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
and we pass all the bytes we read to Encipher or Decipher function.
But these functions only need to work on one byte at a time!
In order to turn our existing code into a practical block cipher, we
don’t need to change the cipher scheme, as such. We just need to make it
work with chunks, or blocks, of data. For this, there’s a special
interface in the standard library’s package
type Block interface {
BlockSize() int
Encrypt(dst, src []byte)
Decrypt(dst, src []byte)
Standard library interfaces (other famous ones are io.Reader and
io.Writer) define standardized “connectors” that allow plugging together
different parts of code. So let’s implement it, i.e. let’s create a type
with the methods defined in the interface:
// Cipher implements crypto/cipher.Block interface.
type Cipher struct {
key [BlockSize]byte
func NewCipher(key []byte) (cipher.Block, error) {
if len(key) != BlockSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w %d (must be %d)", ErrKeySize, len(key), BlockSize)
return &Cipher{
key: [BlockSize]byte(key),
}, nil
func (c *Cipher) Encrypt(dst, src []byte) {
for i, b := range src {
dst[i] = b + c.key[i]
func (c *Cipher) Decrypt(dst, src []byte) {
for i, b := range src {
dst[i] = b - c.key[i]
func (c *Cipher) BlockSize() int {
return BlockSize
Fine but if you look at the signatures of the Encrypt and Decrypt
functions they still take all the data as input. Maybe we have a little
look at the documentation:
$ go doc crypto/cipher Block
It provides the capability to encrypt or decrypt individual blocks. The mode
implementations extend that capability to streams of blocks.
Aha, we need some other code, called mode, that will chop data for
the Encrypt and Decrypt functions into chunks:
type BlockMode interface {
BlockSize() int
CryptBlocks(dst, src []byte)
Let’s implement also this interface (I show here only the code for
type Encrypter struct {
cipher cipher.Block
blockSize int
func NewEncrypter(c cipher.Block) Encrypter {
return Encrypter{
cipher: c,
blockSize: c.BlockSize(),
func (e Encrypter) CryptBlocks(dst, src []byte) {
if len(src)%e.blockSize != 0 {
panic("encrypter: input not full blocks")
if len(dst) < len(src) {
panic("encrypter: output smaller than input")
// Keep chopping block-sized pieces off the plaintext
// and enciphering them until there are no more pieces.
for len(src) > 0 {
e.cipher.Encrypt(dst[:e.blockSize], src[:e.blockSize])
dst = dst[e.blockSize:]
src = src[e.blockSize:]
func (e Encrypter) BlockSize() int {
return e.blockSize
This is awesome and there’s one major problem. The CryptBlocks
function will panic if the plaintext is not aligned with the blockSize
(32 bytes in our case). It means we can work only with messages whose
length in bytes is a multiple of 32. Interesting but a bit limiting. We
improve on this situation by padding all messages to be multiples of 32.
We define the padding scheme like this. Both the number and the value of
padded bytes is equal to the difference from the nearest multiple of
block size. If the message size is aligned with the block size, the
number and the value of padded bytes is equal to the block size. And
here’s the code:
Finally we have all the necessary code to create commands that can
encrypt and decrypt arbitrary data:
$ export KEY=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
$ go run ./cmd/encipher/ -key $KEY < ../shift/testdata/tiger.txt | go run ./cmd/decipher/ -key $KEY
The tiger appears at its own pleasure. When we become very silent at that
place, with no expectation of the tiger, that is when he chooses to appear...
When we stand at the edge of the river waiting for the tiger, it seems that the
silence takes on a quality of its own. The mind comes to a stop. In the Indian
tradition that is the moment when the teacher says, “You are that. You are that
silence. You are that.”
--Francis Lucille, “The Perfume of Silence”
In the previous blog post we developed a simple crypto system. Its
algorithm is based on shifting bytes by the number represented by a
single byte we call a key. It means Eve has to do at maximum 256 (1 byte
is 8 bits and that means 2^8 possibilities) guesses to find out the key.
Let’s try to improve the situation here by supporting longer keys.
To encipher a message we go through it byte by byte and we also go
byte by byte through the key. Usually the key is much shorter than the
message we want to encrypt. So we need to go through the key multiple
times. The math trick to do this is called modulo. A mod B is the
remainder that’s left after dividing A by B as many times as you can.
E.g. 5 mod 2 = 1. Modular arithmetic is sometimes called “clock
arithmentic” because it wraps around like an analog clock; 12 hours
later than 5 o’clock can’t be 17 o’clock, it’s 5 o’clock again. To put
it another way, 17 mod 12 = 5.
To illustrate how modulo (% in Go) works let’s write a
short program:
func main() {
B := 3
for A := range 10 {
fmt.Printf("%d mod %d = ", A, B)
fmt.Println(A % B)
The program will produce this output - notice the result is never
greater than 2 which is handy for a slice (or array) index:
0 mod 3 = 0
1 mod 3 = 1
2 mod 3 = 2
3 mod 3 = 0
4 mod 3 = 1
5 mod 3 = 2
6 mod 3 = 0
7 mod 3 = 1
8 mod 3 = 2
9 mod 3 = 0
OK, let’s use modulo to help us encrypt a message:
func Encipher(plaintext []byte, key []byte) []byte {
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
for i, b := range plaintext {
ciphertext[i] = b + key[i%len(key)]
return ciphertext
To decrypt a message encrypted by a multi-byte key we do the same in
func Decipher(ciphertext []byte, key []byte) []byte {
plaintext := make([]byte, len(ciphertext))
for i, b := range ciphertext {
plaintext[i] = b - key[i%len(key)]
return plaintext
Now, how do we pass a multi-byte key as a command line argument? The
key, in some sense, is just a single number, no matter how many bytes it
takes to express it. For example, if we had a 32-byte (that is, 256-bit)
key, we could express it as either a series of 32 integers (one for each
byte), or as a single very large integer. But Go’s int64
can hold only 8 bytes (or 64 bits) worth of information… There’s a neat
and concise way to write large integers: as a string, using hexadecimal
notation. For example the decimal number 3 735 928 559 can be
represented as DEADBEEF (4 bytes) in hex, isn’t that funny? :-) If fact,
any given byte can be written as exactly two hex digits, which is
$ echo hello | go run ./cmd/encipher -key DEADBEEF
Also notice that unlike with the single-byte version, the same
plaintext letter does not always produce the same ciphertext letter. The
“ll” is enciphered as “[M”. This makes the frequency analysis a lot
harder for Eve.
But what troubles Eve even more is that her function for
brute-forcing single key shift ciphers won’t work anymore:
Repeat the guessing of the key byte multiple times. The number of
repetitions will be either the length of the encrypted message or some
value defined by us (MaxKeyLen); whatever is smaller.
In order to use the Decipher function she needs to create byte slice
out of a byte to match the function’s arguments type.
She has to check the whole key is correct after each cracked key
const MaxKeyLen = 32 // bytes
func Crack(ciphertext, crib []byte) (key []byte, err error) {
for k := range min(MaxKeyLen, len(ciphertext)) {
for guess := range 256 {
plaintext := Decipher([]byte{ciphertext[k]}, []byte{byte(guess)})
if plaintext[0] == crib[k] {
key = append(key, byte(guess))
if bytes.Equal(Decipher(ciphertext[:len(crib)], key), crib) {
return key, nil
return nil, errors.New("no key found")
The longer key is harder to brute-force but it’s still possible:
$ go run ./cmd/encipher -key DEADBEEF < ../shift/testdata/tiger.txt | go run ./cmd/crack -crib 'The tiger'
The tiger appears at its own pleasure. When we become very silent at that
place, with no expectation of the tiger, that is when he chooses to appear...
When we stand at the edge of the river waiting for the tiger, it seems that the
silence takes on a quality of its own. The mind comes to a stop. In the Indian
tradition that is the moment when the teacher says, “You are that. You are that
silence. You are that.”
--Francis Lucille, “The Perfume of Silence”
However, there is a limitation (or a bug): the crib must be at least
as long as the key; it this case 4 bytes, i.e. ‘The’.
A simple way to encipher (or encrypt) some data is by using the shift
cipher. We can do this in Go by going through the data byte by byte
adding a key to each of the bytes. In Go bytes are equivalent to 8-bit
numbers ranging from 0 to 255 (byte data type is actually
an alias for uint8).
func Encipher(plaintext []byte, key byte) []byte {
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
for i, b := range plaintext {
ciphertext[i] = b + key
return ciphertext
To decipher we need to do the same but in reverse, i.e. we detract
the key from each byte of the enciphered data.
This way Alice and Bob can exchange data in somehow secure manner. If
Eve wants to learn what are they talking about she needs to know the
encryption algorithm and the key. Let’s say she finds out they are using
the Caesar cipher so she just needs to crack the key. The standard way
to do this is called brute forcing, i.e. trying out all possibilities;
in our case all possible keys. She also needs to know some bytes from
the beginning of the “plaintext” data; this we call a crib.
If we call these functions from within commands
(package main) it looks like this:
$ echo HAL | go run ./cmd/encipher
$ echo IBM | go run ./cmd/decipher
$ echo hello world | go run ./cmd/encipher -key 10 | go run ./cmd/crack -crib hell
hello world
See shift
for all the code. Most of the ideas and code come from John Arundel’s book I started to
read. I plan to write the code from the book and to take notes in the
form of blog posts like this one.
Kubernetes provides an object called Secret
that is meant for storing sensitive data like passwords, tokens or keys.
Secrets are decoupled (distinct) from Pods to decrease the risk of
exposing sensitive data while creating, viewing and updating Pods.
Containers in a Pod can access secrets via environment
variables or files
mounted through volumes.
Let’s create a Secret named mypassword holding a
key/value pair password=s3cret!:
NOTE: When you create secrets from command line they get persisted in
your shell history file, e.g. ~/.bash_history. To prevent
this add space in front of the command. The secret is also visible in
the processes listing, like ps aux. So it’s best not to
create production secrets from command line.
Ok, now, how secure is the secret we’ve created? It turns out that by
default, not very. Let’s have a look.
Getting secrets from the
API server
Anyone who has access to the Kubernetes API server can get the
$ kubectl get secrets mypassword -o yaml...data:password: czNjcmV0IQ==...
Oh, but we can’t read it. Is it encrypted? No, it’s just base64
$ echo czNjcmV0IQ== |base64-d-s3cret!
Getting secrets from etcd
Secrets, like other Kubernetes objects, are persisted in the etcd
data store; by default unencrypted. So if we can access the data store,
we can see the secrets. On a minikube cluster, we can do it like
$ minikube ssh$ sudo -i$ cat << "EOF" | bashexportETCDCTL_CACERT=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/ca.crtexportETCDCTL_CERT=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/peer.crtexportETCDCTL_KEY=/var/lib/minikube/certs/etcd/peer.keyexportETCDCTL_API=3ETCDCTL_BIN=$(find / -name etcdctl |grep bin |head-1)$ETCDCTL_BIN get /registry/secrets/default/mypasswordEOF...passwords3cret!▒Opaque▒"...
Getting secrets from within a
Let’s suppose that we can’t access the API server or the etcd
database because the cluster operator put some authorization in place.
And that’s the way to do it on a production cluster. The authorization
mechanism in Kubernetes is called RBAC (Role Based Access Control). It’s
composed of the following primitives
User represents a “normal user” connecting to the cluster (there’s
no API resource for User)
ServiceAccount represents a program running in a pod and there is a
pre-created default service account for each namespace
assigned to each created pod
Role defines a set of permissions on a namespace (or cluster)
RoleBinding maps roles to users or service accounts on a namespace
(or cluster) level
Let’s create a service account that is allowed to read (list allows
for implicit reading) all secrets within the default namespace:
Service account authenticates to the Kubernetes API via a JWT token
that is mounted inside pod containers. If an attacker gains access to a
container (for example by exploiting a vulnerability inside a web
application or a web server) she can get all secrets in a namespace (or
on the whole cluster if clusterrolebinding was used). Like this:
There’s a tool called KubiScan that can find
risky roles (and other objects) for you:
$ git clone git@github.com:cyberark/KubiScan.git$ cd KubiScan$ ./docker_run.sh ~/.kube/config$ kubiscan --risky-roles# -r to show also rules (permissions)...+------------+|Risky Roles |+----------+------+-------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+|Priority|Kind|Namespace|Name|Creation Time |+----------+------+-------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+|CRITICAL|Role|default|read-secrets|Sat Jan 27 16:30:21 2024 (0 days)||CRITICAL|Role|kube-system|system:controller:bootstrap-signer|Sat Jan 27 16:21:17 2024 (0 days)||CRITICAL|Role|kube-system|system:controller:token-cleaner|Sat Jan 27 16:21:17 2024 (0 days)|+----------+------+-------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
While looking for a new project to hone my skills I came across the
beelzebub. Wikipedia says Beelzebub, occasionally known as the Lord of
the Flies, was a Philistine god and later a major demon for some
Abrahamic religions. In this case it’s a honeypot
written in Go :-).
My plan was something like:
Create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using the EKS service
Deploy the honeypot into the cluster
Setup logs collection to see what’s going on
Expose the honeypot to a dangerous network, like the Internet, and
Create a Kubernetes cluster
Once I have set
up my access to AWS and installed all the necessary tools, the
easiest way to create a Kubernetes cluster seemed to be this:
Next, I just cloned the beelzebub repo and
created the Kubernetes resources from within the repo:
helm install beelzebub ./beelzebub-chart
Setup logs collection
Now, a Kubernetes cluster provides logs from several components:
control plane
I was most interested in the application (or container) logs. For
this I used the CloudWatch observability addon for EKS. To make it work
I needed to attach some new policies to the worker nodes role and then
create the addon.
I had to wait for a bit so the load balancer is set up. I opened the
CloudWatch Logs Insights, selected the
/aws/containerinsights/beelzebub-cluster/application log
group and entered the following query: